As the winter chill sets in in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties, finding an efficient and cost effective heating solution becomes a top priority for homeowners. While many regions in California enjoy mild winters compared to the rest of the country, it's essential to keep your home comfortable and warm. One excellent option to consider is a ductless mini-split system. In this article, we'll explore the numerous benefits of ductless mini-split systems for winter heating in the Golden State.

What is Ductless Mini-Split Heating?

Ductless HVAC systems, also referred to as mini-split systems or ductless split systems, are a type of air conditioning and heating unit that does not require ductwork for installation to transport heated or cooled air. These systems have two main components connected by a refrigerant line: an outdoor condenser and an indoor blower.

Multiple indoor units can be connected to single outdoor unit; that’s where the “split” part of the name comes from. These units, typically wall-mounted, blow cooled or heated air into the room they’re in, cooling or warming it.

According to, “Ductless, mini-split-system heat pumps (mini-splits) make good retrofit add-ons to houses with "non-ducted" heating systems, such as hydronic (hot water heat), radiant panels, and space heaters (wood, kerosene, propane). They can also be a good choice for room additions where extending or installing distribution ductwork is not feasible, and for very efficient new homes that require only a small space conditioning system”.

What are the Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split Systems for Winter Heating?

We have reviewed before if ductless AC is right for your home, but these units can also offer several benefits when it comes to heating your home as well. Below we review some of the benefits of selecting a ductless mini-split system to heat your North Bay area home.

  • Energy Efficiency: Ductless mini-split systems are renowned for their energy efficiency. Unlike traditional forced air HVAC systems, mini-splits have no ducts, so they avoid the energy losses associated with the ductwork of central forced air systems. Duct losses can account for more than 30% of energy consumption for space conditioning, especially if the ducts are in an unconditioned space such as an attic. Instead, ductless mini-split systems deliver heated air directly to the room, avoiding energy wastage and helping you save on your energy bills during the winter months.
  • Zoning Capabilities: One significant advantage of ductless mini-split systems is their zoning capabilities. With this technology, you can divide your home into different heating zones, allowing you to control the temperature independently in each room or area. Each of the zones has its own thermostat, so you can customize heating settings to match your comfort needs and reduce energy consumption in unoccupied spaces.
  • Quick and Easy Installation: If you don’t currently have ductwork in your home, or it doesn’t run to all areas you wish to heat, having a forced air heating unit installed can require a lot of time and extensive ductwork installation. Ductless mini-split systems are relatively quick and straightforward to install. This minimal installation process means less disruption to your home and a faster transition to a warm and cozy living space.
  • Interior Design Flexibility: Ductless mini-split systems are versatile when it comes to aesthetics and design. The indoor units are sleek and compact, and they come in various styles and sizes to match your home's decor. You can mount them on walls or ceilings, or even opt for floor standing units. This design flexibility ensures that your heating system complements your interior space without being an eyesore. Many also offer a remote control to make it easier to turn the system on and off when it's positioned high on a wall or suspended from a ceiling.

When it comes to heating your home during California's winter months, ductless mini-split systems offer a compelling array of benefits. From energy efficiency and zoning capabilities to quick installation and design flexibility, these systems are an ideal choice for homeowners who value comfort and cost effectiveness.

If you would like to install ductless mini-split systems in your Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County home, Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing can help. Contact us today to get started.

With the New Year upon us in a few days, it's the perfect time to reflect on goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. While many of us focus on personal improvement, health, and finances, it's crucial not to overlook the well-being of your home's HVAC system. In fact, if your goals are around saving money in the New Year, your HVAC system may be key. Your HVAC system plays a vital role in providing comfort and maintaining indoor air quality, making it an essential aspect of a happy and healthy home. We are going to review the importance of HVAC maintenance and how regular upkeep can extend the lifespan of your system, saving you money, and ensuring year round comfort.

The Importance of HVAC Maintenance in the New Year

When it comes to your home’s heating and cooling systems, the things most people care about are that they work, don’t cost them a lot of money, and they are providing safe and comfortable air throughout their home. HVAC maintenance in the New Year and beyond plays a major role in ensuring your HVAC system is able to do all of those things. Nearly half of your utility bill goes towards heating and cooling your property. An inefficient HVAC system will drive up your energy bills and create an uncomfortable environment that can lead to inconsistent indoor temperatures and mold growth.

Below we delve further into the importance of HVAC maintenance in the New Year and why it should be at the top of your list for 2024.

Improved Energy Efficiency: If your New Year’s resolutions are around saving money and finances, HVAC maintenance can be a key contributor to whether you achieve those goals or not. According to the US Department of Energy, preventive maintenance helps ensure that your HVAC system runs at close to peak efficiency. This can mean savings of up to 30% on your energy bills. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in your system, causing it to work harder to achieve the desired temperatures. A system that has to work harder will consume more energy, leading to increased utility bills. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing air filters and inspecting ductwork, ensures that your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency, reducing your energy consumption and saving you money in the long run.

Preventing Costly Repairs and Unexpected Breakdowns: According to the Indoor Air Quality Association, “Regular HVAC maintenance is said to reduce the risk of costly breakdowns by as much as 95%”. Neglecting HVAC maintenance can lead to minor issues escalating into major problems. When small components malfunction or wear down, they can put undue stress on other parts of the system, leading to more significant breakdowns and expensive repairs. Routine maintenance allows HVAC professionals to identify and address minor issues before they become costly emergencies. By investing in preventive maintenance, you can save yourself from the stress and financial burden of unexpected system failures.

Extended System Lifespan: In general, most HVAC systems will last 15 to 25 years; however, this can vary greatly depending on the home, and you guessed it, how proactive you are with regular HVAC maintenance. Regular maintenance is the key to extending the lifespan of your HVAC system. By keeping all components clean, lubricated, and in good working condition, you can help your system operate optimally for many years. Having your system checked by a HVAC professional can help identify issues that you may not even know you had, prior to them impacting other parts of your system.

Improving and Maintaining Indoor Air Quality: As we have reviewed before, indoor air quality has a profound impact on our health and well-being. A neglected HVAC system can become a breeding ground for allergens, mold, and bacteria, which are then circulated throughout your home. This can lead to respiratory issues, allergies, and other health problems, especially for vulnerable individuals. Regular maintenance includes cleaning and sanitizing components, ensuring that the air circulating in your home remains clean and safe to breathe.

The importance of HVAC maintenance in the New Year isn’t just that it can reduce your expenses, save you from unexpected breakdowns, prolong the life of your system, and improve your home’s indoor air, it may also be a requirement of your manufacturer’s warranty.

As you embrace the New Year, do not forget the importance of HVAC maintenance. The experts at Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing can help. Schedule a professional HVAC maintenance service today to ensure you go into 2024 with the right foot forward.

Contact us today to learn more about our HVAC maintenance plans.

The holiday season officially begins month. It is a time for joy, celebrations, and spending time with your family and friends; however, it's also a time when homes' energy consumption tends to spike, leading to higher utility bills. The last thing you should have worry about during this season of thankfulness and togetherness, is how much your HVAC system usage is going to cost you. Are there some HVAC upgrades you can and should make to lower your holiday bills? Below we review some effective HVAC upgrades that can help you lower your holiday bills and make your home more energy efficient in the process.

HVAC Upgrades to Lower Your Holiday Bills

During the holiday season, as more people are in and out of the home, the North Bay Area outside temperatures start to drop, and you are looking for an extra cozy indoor environment, energy costs can rise significantly. The average household spends more than $2,200 a year on energy bills, with nearly half of this going to heating and cooling costs (EnergyStar). As we approach Thanksgiving, we enter into the time of the year where more and more energy is being consumed, meaning your costs go up.

If you want to feel extra grateful this holiday season, making some HVAC upgrades to lower your holiday bills, may be just what you need to take things to the next level. We have reviewed before how an energy efficient HVAC system can save you money, but did you also know that with the right HVAC improvements, you can ensure a cozy and energy efficient holiday season while keeping your energy bills in check?

Here are some HVAC upgrades you can make to lower your energy costs this season.

  • Utilize a Programmable Thermostat: Having the right and a functional thermostat, can save you around 10% a year on heating and cooling costs. One of the simplest and most effective upgrades you can make to your HVAC system is installing a programmable thermostat. These devices let you to set specific temperatures for different times of the day, allowing you to reduce heating or cooling when you're away or asleep. By optimizing temperature settings, you can save energy and reduce your holiday utility bills without impacting your home and family’s comfort.
  • Improve Your Air Ducts: Leaky air ducts can cause significant energy waste and uneven heating throughout your home, as well as higher costs. Over time, gaps and cracks in ductwork can develop, leading to conditioned air escaping before it reaches your living spaces. Have a professional inspect and seal any leaks in your ductwork. Fixing duct issues can improve your system’s efficiency, save you money, and extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling system. This is also a great time of the year for professional duct cleaning. Duct cleaning comes with many benefits: leaks, gaps, loose connections, and other problems can be spotted before they are much larger issues, improved indoor air quality, boost in efficiency, eliminates unpleasant odors, and more.
  • Ensure You Have the Right Insulation: A well-insulated home can significantly reduce heat loss during the colder months of the year and heat gain during the warmer months of the year. Check your home's insulation, especially in attics, walls, and crawl spaces. Consider adding weather stripping around windows and doors to prevent drafts. Upgrading insulation can enhance the efficiency of your HVAC system by minimizing energy loss, allowing it to work more effectively and efficiently.
  • Schedule HVAC Maintenance: One of the best HVAC upgrades you can make to lower your holiday bills and beyond, is to invest in a regular HVAC maintenance plan. Proper maintenance is key to the efficient operation of your HVAC system. By scheduling regular maintenance with a professional technician who can inspect, clean, and tune up your system, you can ensure that your HVAC system is running optimally, preventing potential breakdowns, maximizing energy efficiency, and providing uninterrupted indoor comfort. A well maintained system will not only reduce your holiday bills but also extend the lifespan of your HVAC equipment. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

This holiday season, by making some HVAC upgrades, you can lower your holiday bills, while enjoying a comfortable and cozy home. When it comes to your home’s heating system, the team at Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing is here for you. We have duct cleaning services, offer heating tune-ups, are experts in heating repair, have HVAC maintenance plans, and can install a new energy efficient HVAC system for you. We are your team for all of your heating needs in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties.

Contact us today.

It’s the season for ghosts, goblins, witches, and more. There are plenty of things to scare you this Halloween, and a strange odor coming from your HVAC system shouldn’t be one of them. If your home’s heating smells funny, it could be trying to tell you something. We are going to review some of the potential reasons for those peculiar odors, to help you get to the root cause of the issue, so you can get back to pumpkin carving, apple bobbing, and all of the other fun seasonal activities.

Some Odors that You may Smell Coming from Your HVAC

Almost everywhere that you go this season, the smells of apples and pumpkin spice fill the air, if your heating system is overpowering those aromas and smells strange, you likely want to get to the bottom of it and resolve it as soon as possible. To help you unravel the mystery, below we are going to review some common odors your HVAC system may be producing and what your home’s heating smelling funny could mean.

  • Witches' Brew | The Mysterious Smoky Odor: One of the most common smells associated with heating systems is a smoky odor. If there is a smoky smell coming from your heater, if you have just turned on the furnace for the season; that is usually okay. Dust can accumulate on the heating elements, causing a peculiar odor when you fire it up. This strange fragrance is like a witches' brew, signaling the arrival of autumn and reminding you that it's time to clean and/or change your air filters and for other regular HVAC maintenance. If you notice the smoky aroma lingering or if the stench starts all of the sudden, there could be a larger issue. If this is the case, turn off your furnace and contact a local heating repair professional to come out and inspect your system.
  • Cursed Cauldron | Burning Plastic: If your home’s heating smells funny and that’s because it is putting off a scent of burning plastic, it may actually be because there is burning plastic. Don’t let your HVAC work as a cauldron melting your home’s items together. Before you turn on your furnace for the year and each time you go to use it, you should inspect around it to ensure there is nothing in it, touching it, or near to it. A burning plastic odor can be caused by a foreign object being in or near your HVAC system. If you notice this smell and can’t identify what is causing the odor, shut off your furnace and contact a local furnace repair expert as soon as possible to avoid breathing in the harmful fumes and a potential fire.
  • The Haunted House's Misfortune | The Cryptic Odor of Mold and Mildew: While Halloween decorations may give off a musty smell intentionally, an unpleasant, moldy odor from your heating system is far from desirable. It's a sign that something sinister might be lurking within your ductwork. Moisture buildup and condensation can provide the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can have harmful effects on your health. Summon a professional from Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing to investigate the issue and banish the mold monsters from your home.
  • The Cursed Catch | Fishy Aroma: If there is a fishy smell coming from your furnace, it is sure to make you want to unveil the secrets that lie within and transform this mysterious scent back into a more welcomed fragrance of the season. The electrical components of your heating system are typically covered in chemicals and plastic. When these components heat up and/or start burning, they can produce a fishy burning odor. If you notice a burning electrical smell coming from your furnace, you should contact a HVAC professional. While furnaces are usually built to automatically power down when they start to overheat, if the safety feature is broken, this could cause issues, create the fishy smell, and put you and your family at risk of an electrical fire.
  • Vampire in the Ducts |The Smell of a Decaying Animal: If you catch a whiff of something decaying or a pungent, foul odor coming from your heating system, you might have a deceased critter residing within your home’s ductwork. Small pests and rodents seeking shelter can occasionally find their way into ductwork, unable to find their way out. Just like vampire hunters, you need to call in the professionals for duct cleaning to rid your home of this unpleasant smell.

This Halloween season, if your home’s heating smells funny, the unusual aromas might be trying to tell you something. Regardless of the odor, if you smell something strange, you should contact the experts at Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing to solve the mysteries lurking in your heating system and restore peace and comfort to your home. Things like professional duct cleaning, advanced air filtration systems, and an annual heating tune-up, should help you avoid less than desirable smells coming from your heater. If you have a strange odor coming from your furnace, you should always power it down and call in a professional to help.

At Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing we offer fast same-day HVAC service as we know you can’t be without your heat for long. Regardless of whether it is a repair or replacement, you can depend on Bragg for expert consultation that meets or exceeds your expectations. We will always give you an honest assessment of your heating situation so you can make an informed decision.

Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing is a full service HVAC company that is licensed to solve all your furnace related problems, including repair, replacement, and maintenance and safety inspection. We’ve been repairing and installing furnaces since 1968. Contact us today.

Believe it or not, the temperature you keep your home at, while you and your family are trying to sleep, can make all the difference in just how restful your slumber is. So, what’s the ideal sleeping temperature and why?

What’s the Ideal Sleeping Temperature?

In general, the suggested temperature, for when you are trying to doze off, should be between 60°F and 67°F for optimal sleep ( When trying to fall asleep, your body temperature decreases to initiate sleep and the proposed ideal temperatures can help expedite this. If your room is cool, rather than warm, it will be much easier to shut your eyes for the night.

Your body’s internal temperature shifts during a 24-hour period. This is known as a circadian rhythm. Your body begins to shed warmth right about the time you go to bed and continues to cool down until reaching its low point near daybreak, at around 5 AM (healthline). The ideal sleeping temperature range is cool enough to promote the body's natural sleep process by lowering core body temperature, while also keeping you warm enough to prevent discomfort and shivering.

To put this simply, a cool, but not cold, room will help you settle into and maintain sleep throughout the night. One 2012 study found that the temperature of the room where you sleep is one of the most important factors in achieving quality sleep. Keep in mind, factors like bedding materials, pajamas, and humidity levels can also impact your comfort while sleeping, so it's important to consider all of these factors when creating your ideal sleep environment.

If you have a programmable thermostat, you can program it to be within the ideal sleeping temperature range for the times that you and your family normally lay your heads on your pillows.

Are There Benefits (Other than a Good Night’s Sleep) for Keeping Your Home Within the Ideal Sleeping Temperature Range?

There are several health benefits to keeping your sleeping environment cooler:

  • Better sleep quality: Let’s start with the obvious, a cooler sleeping environment helps to promote deeper, more restful sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized.
  • Improved metabolism: Sleeping in a cooler environment can help to activate brown fat, a type of fat that burns calories to generate heat, leading to a higher metabolic rate and potentially aiding in weight loss (Diabetes Journal).
  • Reduced risk of insomnia: As reviewed above, a cooler sleeping environment can help to regulate your body's internal temperature, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
  • Lower risk of overheating: Keeping your home in the ideal sleeping temperature range, will reduce the risk of overheating and sweating excessively, which can cause discomfort and disrupt your sleep.
  • Reduced risk of respiratory problems: Cooler temperatures can help to prevent the growth of dust mites and other allergens that can exacerbate respiratory problems like asthma and lead to poorer indoor air quality.

Overall, keeping your sleeping environment cooler and within the ideal sleeping temperature limit can lead to several health benefits; however, it’s important to find a temperature that feels comfortable for you and doesn't leave you feeling too cold or too warm.

When it comes to your Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County home’s comfort, Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing is here for you. If you are struggling to catch some zs, there could be an issue with your HVAC system. Give us a call and we can help you diagnose and resolve the problem, so you can get back to resting easy.

The leaves will start falling soon, is HVAC maintenance calling? When it comes to your Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County cooling and heating system, the majority of problems homeowners face are caused by a lack of maintenance. There are things you can do to prepare your furnace for the fall, with one of the main things being for you to have an annual heating tune-up. While you may only use your furnace for a short time each year, regular system inspections and maintenance are crucial to ensuring your comfort come fall and winter. We are going to review some of the benefits of a fall HVAC tune-up.

What is a HVAC Tune-up?

Before we get into the benefits of a fall HVAC tune-up, we wanted to first touch on what exactly it is. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and a HVAC tune-up is a preventative maintenance service performed on your heating and cooling system. It involves a thorough inspection and cleaning of various components of the system to ensure it is running efficiently and effectively.

During a HVAC tune-up, a licensed cooling and heating technician will inspect and clean the system's air filters, coils, blower motor, and other components. They will also check the system's refrigerant levels, thermostat, electrical connections, lubricate parts, check belts and fans, and overall system performance. Any issues or potential problems that are identified during the tune-up will be addressed and repaired to prevent larger, more costly problems down the line.

Overall, a HVAC tune-up is a proactive step you can take to help ensure that your heating and cooling system is operating at peak performance, which can save you money on energy costs and help prevent breakdowns or repairs in the future. It is generally recommended that you schedule a HVAC tune-up twice a year, ideally before the start of the heating and cooling seasons.

Benefits of a Fall HVAC Tune-up

With fall on the horizon, now is a great time to schedule a heating tune-up for your Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County home. There are several benefits of a fall HVAC tune-up before the start of the heating season. Below we review some of the key ones:

  • Increased Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained HVAC system will operate more efficiently, which can save you money on your energy bills. During a tune-up, the technician will clean and inspect various components of your system to ensure they are working properly, which can help reduce energy waste.
  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: A dirty HVAC system can circulate dust, dirt, and other contaminants throughout your home, which can contribute to poor indoor air quality. A fall HVAC tune-up includes cleaning or replacing the air filters, which can help remove these pollutants from your home's air and can also identify any issues with your home’s ductwork.
  • Fewer Repairs: Regular maintenance can help prevent breakdowns and other issues that require repairs. A fall HVAC tune-up can catch small problems before they become major issues, which can save you money and prevent inconvenient heating system breakdowns and uneven temperatures throughout your home.
  • Extended System Lifespan: A well-maintained HVAC system can last longer than one that is not properly maintained. Regular tune-ups can help extend the lifespan of your HVAC system, which can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for premature replacement.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your heating system has been professionally inspected and maintained can give you peace of mind during the colder months. You can feel confident that your system is operating safely and efficiently, and that your family will stay warm all season long.

Overall, a fall HVAC tune-up is a smart investment in the long-term health and performance of your heating system. It can save you money, improve indoor air quality, and give you peace of mind during the fall and winter and throughout the year.

Our team at Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing are HVAC experts in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties. We provide thorough heating tune-up services for the North Bay Area. Contact us today to schedule yours.

If you want to ensure that your home’s air conditioning helps you cartwheel into the fall, there are some actions you need to take to avoid any disruptions. With fall right around the corner, many people are jumping for joy and excitement about the changing colors and temperatures, but unfortunately, the falling leaves can cause issues for your HVAC system. Should you clean the outside portion of your HVAC system this fall and throughout the year? Let’s review.

What is the Outside Portion of Your HVAC System?

If you have central cooling and HVAC, odds are you can’t really miss the outside portion of your system. The outdoor unit consists of the compressor, refrigerant lines, condenser coils, and fan. The indoor unit's evaporator coil absorbs excess heat from the home's air. That heat is then transferred to the condenser coils, which release it outside. After the heat is released, the cooled refrigerant flows back to absorb more. This part of your HVAC system is key to your home’s comfort.

Regular cleaning of the outdoor unit is essential to prolong the air conditioner's life and to ensure your unit functions as it should. Keeping the outside of your AC unit clean is super important, because good airflow is the key factor that enables the outdoor unit to release the heat, and it can even help reduce the amount you pay each month for air conditioning.

Should you Clean the Outside Portion of Your HVAC System?

We have already given the answer to this question away, yes, you should clean the outside portion of your HVAC system, but the truth is, many people don’t think about this until it is too late. The fall and spring are two of the most important times in the year to check and clear around your unit. With spring comes new growth and with fall there is more debris and leaves flying through the air. Homeowners should ensure periodic cleaning of the outdoor unit and take precautions to keep the area around it free from any debris.

As leaves and other items fall off trees and blow through the air, they can build up on your AC condenser and that can cause issues. A dirty condenser can cause your air conditioning to blow warm air and shorten the life of your AC unit. Airflow blockages to your condenser can damage portions of your HVAC system, including the condenser coil and AC compressor.

Below we review some things you can do to protect the outside portion of your HVAC system from a potentially costly repair and ensure that it continues to function as it should.

  • Keep your yard and area around your unit clear of overgrown greenery and plants, fallen leaves, and other debris. Trim branches of trees, bushes, shrubs, and grass on a regular basis to prevent them from overtaking or from dropping items in or on the condenser. Also, rake regularly to reduce the number of leaves in the area and the potential for them to blow onto or in your unit.
  • During the spring and fall particularly, you should regularly check your HVAC unit for leaves and other overgrown or blown debris. Items can easily find their way to your unit and may need cleaned off. It’s a good practice to check your outside unit weekly to ensure no nest have been built there or other obstructions may be blocking the airflow.
  • If you find overgrown greenery, leaves, and/or other debris on or in your unit, you should clean them off/out. One way to do so is to use compressed air to blow out the debris found within your unit. WikiHow has provided some tips for cleaning the outside of an AC unit.
  • Scheduling regular HVAC maintenance can help you avoid any unwanted or unexpected breakdowns due to blockages or other issues with the outside portion of your HVAC. It is always recommended to have a professional HVAC technician review and clean your unit to ensure it is done properly and no damage is caused to your HVAC system.

When it comes to if you should clean the outside portion of your HVAC system, the answer is, “Yes”. This part of your unit is essential to your home’s comfort and your air conditioning working as it should.

If you find yourself with heating or cooling problems in Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County, Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing can help. When it comes to your comfort, you deserve the best solutions at the best value. All of our technicians and installers are Bragg employees dedicated to providing you with personalized solutions that meet your goals and budget. Contact us today.

Keeping your Bay Area home cool and comfortable is at the top of most people’s minds this summer and beyond. Our temperatures remain pretty consistent throughout the summer months, but vary throughout the hours of a day; you may need AC by day and heat by night. We know, comfort isn’t always the only thing on people’s minds when it comes to cooling and heating their homes, the cost of keeping your home in the ideal temperature range can play a major role on it and its occupants.

We have all heard about energy efficient options to help save some money on heating and cooling our homes, but do they really work? Are they worth it? Let’s review if an energy efficient HVAC system can really save you money.

What is Energy Efficient HVAC and Why it Matters?

Before we review if an energy efficient HVAC system can really save you money, we wanted to provide a brief reminder as to what this type of system is and why you should even consider this option.

Let’s start with the “why”. The average household spends more than $2,200 a year on energy bills, with nearly half of this going to heating and cooling costs (EnergyStar). Your HVAC system plays a major role in how much or how little you spend. If you have an older HVAC system, or one that is not energy efficient, if you switch to a high-efficiency HVAC system, you could reduce your energy use by 20% to 50% ( That large chunk of savings isn’t something to blink about.

An efficient HVAC system is cost-effective when the lifetime energy savings (from avoided energy costs over the life of the product, discounted to present value) exceed the additional up-front cost (if any) compared to a less efficient option ( To put this simply, compared to standard units, energy-efficient HVAC uses less energy and costs less to operate without affecting performance and comfort. An energy efficient HVAC system can be determined by two things: SEER and AFUE. You can read more about those here.

Can an Energy Efficient HVAC System Really Save You Money?

As we reviewed above, if you don’t have an energy efficient HVAC system in your home, chances are it is costing you by up to 50% more than it needs to be. A new HVAC system can help you enjoy more consistent heating and cooling throughout your home and lower your utility bills, yes, saving you money. Energy efficient HVAC systems have several other benefits as well:

  • Increased comfort because energy efficient units produce more even heating and cooling, help maintain a constant temperature in every room in your home, provide consistent levels of airflow, and have superior humidity control.
  • Lower noise level due to newer HVAC units being designed with sound-absorbing materials and technology.
  • Better environmental impact because energy efficient systems use less electricity and burn less fuel than older systems. High efficiency systems use up to one-third less fuel than older models, which means they help conserve more of our natural resources.
  • Rebates and incentive offers. In some states you may be able to get a rebate, tax break, or other financial incentive on a qualified energy-efficient ENERGY STAR HVAC unit. This will save you money right from the start of having your new HVAC system installed.

An energy efficient HVAC system can really save you money and comes with some other added benefits as well.

If you are looking for a heating or cooling system for your Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County home, contact Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing. We are committed to providing fast, cost-effective HVAC solutions for homeowners throughout the North Bay area.

It’s summer and it’s hot. When you are looking for some relief from the heat, you likely turn to the inside of your home to find comfort. If your home doesn’t have central air conditioning, or there are rooms without vents or that never seem to cool down enough, you may turn to whatever solution you can find, to gain your home’s ideal temperatures. If you use window ac units to cool down your home, or even just a room or two, while there are other options available (i.e. ductless air conditioning, central ac, etc.), you may not see the need to change. Should you? Is that window AC unit costing you more than you even realize? Let’s review.

What are Window Air Conditioners?

In case you aren’t familiar with these cooling devices, a window air conditioner is the simplest type of AC unit. It’s a single unit with all the parts and components contained inside one box or casing. This type of air conditioning is usually mounted or installed in a window and plugs into an electrical outlet. Window units operate independently from a home HVAC system. Like other air conditioning units, window AC units use refrigeration properties to remove heat and humidity from a room while cooling air to circulate into the room.

While central air conditioning is a solution for whole home comfort, window AC units are used more for smaller areas, and multiple units may need to be used to keep your home feeling comfortable in the heat.

Many people turn to this type of cooling, when their home doesn’t have central AC or existing ductwork and they don’t want to face the cost of having that or ductless AC installed. The question is, is that window AC unit costing you more?

Is that Window AC Unit Costing You?

It’s rather difficult to compare window AC units versus central AC, because they serve different purposes. Central air conditioners move cool air through a system of supply and return ducts. Supply ducts and registers (i.e., openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings covered by grills) carry cooled air from the air conditioner to the whole home. Window AC units typically only cool a limited space like a room or two (depending on the size of your unit).

When considering if window AC units cost you more than central air conditioning, you should compare the energy usage for your cooling system. A central air unit uses more energy to cool your home than other cooling choices; however, they are cooling a larger space and are typically more efficient. As Mr. Electricity states, a window unit uses anywhere from 500 to 1,440 watts to run, while a 2.5 ton central unit (about the size for a typical 1,500- to 2,000-square-foot home) uses about 3,500 watts.

Basically, to answer if that window AC unit is costing you, it really comes down to its main purpose. If you are looking to cool only a small area, a window AC unit may be okay; however, as a whole home solution, if you have multiple window units running, the energy usage and cost can really add up.

With window units there is a lot more risk of hot air entering and cool air escaping than with central AC or ductless cooling. That too can cost you and make your window air conditioning have to continuously run to keep up with the desired temperature and humidity levels. While installation of a window unit is simple and less expensive than other options, is it worth it?

Are Window AC Units Right for Your Home?

Is that window AC unit costing you? Like we said above, this really comes down to what you are using the cooling device for. If you plan to cool more than three rooms and have more than one or two window AC units, the energy consumption will likely cost you more than that of a central air conditioning unit.

A central AC unit adds resale value to your home, so you can recoup more of your investment, if you sell your home. Central AC allows you to cool more of your home at once and maintain more balanced temperatures than window units. Central air units should connect to your thermostat giving you more control over your home’s comfort, than a window AC unit allows. Also, central air units are also more efficient and let less cool air escape.

If you are looking for new AC Installation in Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County, Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing can help. We offer whole home air conditioning options as well as ductless AC installation.

Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing is a full service HVAC company that is licensed to solve all your air conditioner related problems, including repair, replacement, maintenance and safety inspection. Ready to get started? Contact us today.

Being comfortable in your Marin, Sonoma, or Napa County home is important, but your family’s comfort levels can come with increased energy bills. There is a delicate balance between your family’s preferred indoor temperatures and the money you are paying to keep up with them. If you are trying to find the right place to land, when it comes to your home’s air conditioning temperatures, you are not alone. What temperature should you keep your home at during the summer? Let’s review.

What Temperature Should you Keep Your Home at During the Summer?

Having your air conditioning set to a very low temperature can not only cost you more, it can put extra strain on your system, leading to an increase in breakdowns and shortening its life. As the summer sets in and the warmer temperatures stick around, you and your family of course want to escape the heat from the outside, inside of your home; you can do so, without blasting the air.

To stay comfortable and save money this summer, the U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 78°F (26°C) when you are home. Setting your air conditioner to this level will allow you to stay cool and avoid an unusually high electricity bill. We know, that may seem much too high for most people; however, the smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.

Turning your thermostat up seven to 10° F higher while you are away at work, or any time you're out of the house for more than two hours, can help you save as much as 10 percent on cooling costs. With that being said, what temperature you should keep your home at during the summer, depends on if you are there are not. To save money and energy while you're away, set your thermostat to 88°F. The higher interior temperature actually slows the flow of heat into your home, so it won't take as much energy to cool things back down when you return home.

Tips for Keeping Your Home Comfortable While Saving Money

If you are looking to still maintain comfort levels in your home, while following the above temperature recommendations, there are some things you can do to avoid needing to turn the temperature setting down. These include:

  • Utilizing a programmable thermostat to change temperature settings when you are home and away
  • Using window coverings (i.e. curtains and blinds) that keep sunlight out and prevent heat from entering through the windows
  • Keeping weather-stripping and caulk around doors and windows to maintain your home’s seal
  • When possible, try to grill and cook outside to limit the use of appliances that generate heat
  • Installing and using ceiling fans to increase cooling efficiency
  • Investing in a dehumidifiers to help eliminate any access moisture that may come with the higher temperatures

As we said, when it comes to what temperature you should keep your home at during the summer, we know that there is a balance between comfort and costs. At Bragg Cooling, Heating & Plumbing, our goal is to ensure that you are comfortable in your home all year long. We can help you find the right HVAC unit for your home and family, repair AC issues you may be facing, tune up your cooling system so it works at its best, and more. When it comes to your comfort, you deserve the best solutions at the best value. All of our technicians and installers are Bragg employees dedicated to providing you with personalized solutions that meet your goals and budget.

Contact us today.

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